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Trend Zone Trading Results

Sunday, October 4, 2009 , Posted by forex trading at 3:20 PM

Here’s an example of the results you can easily obtain following the Trend Zone - Forex Trading System trading guide. The figure below shows the activity in my OANDA account for the 2 week period I was making trades to use as examples in the Trend Zone trading guide. The results are summarized below the figure:

I funded the account on 11/6/2008 with $5000. I made 16 trades in 10 trading days. 15 trades were winners, with only 1 losing trade (which occurred because I failed to execute my exit strategy when I should have). My winning percentage was 93.75%. My total profit was $1491.03 for a total 2 week return of 29.8%!!

When you see the advantage you’ll have in your trading using the Forex tools and the strategy that I’ll share with you when you purchase the Trend Zone - Forex Trading System trading guide, I seriously doubt that you’ll want to trade any other way again.
I am not a professional trader, or a slick marketing specialist who is trying to sell you a product that I don’t use and don’t make money with. I use this system every day, and the records I’ve shown you above are proof of that. Now, I can’t guarantee that you’ll have the same results that I’m having, because I have no way of knowing if you’ll follow the Trend Zone trading guide step-by-step.

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