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FXCM Forex Selector Update

Sunday, October 4, 2009 , Posted by forex trading at 3:17 PM

For those following, I mentioned that I signed up for the free 30 day
trial of the FXCM System Selector and attached the Trend Escape trading
system to it for the GBPUSD and GBPJPY Forex pairs. Yesterday when I
checked, I was about $2000 down from the demo portfolio.. it started at
$100,000. The last trades where a short of both the two pairs which
amount to losses.

Right now, the account has dropped further.. another $1000 and the
current live trades are slightly down at $100 loss or so….

Over the long term, the Trend Escape trading system is one of the most
profitable…. I’ll leave it to run and see how it gets on!

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