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Is Forex Trading a Zero-Sum Game?

Sunday, October 4, 2009 , Posted by forex trading at 3:54 PM

You are right on the money concerning mini and micro lots. Consider the above scenario where the broker matches the orders of two traders who take simultaneous opposing positions. The broker gets to keep the spread while remaining flat; this is a risk-free position for the broker. In the Forex market, most brokers have their own proprietary platform, and therefore can collect the spread (or at least a portion of it) on all of the trades that pass through their platform. In a sense, you could say that each Forex broker has their own little monopoly, and it's not surprising that they like it that way.

What about an ECN-style Forex broker? ECN stands for Electronic Communications Network, and it would give Forex traders a portal by which they could enter trades alongside the "big boys." An ECN for Forex traders would be fantastic for traders, and there is nothing I'd rather see than all of the big Forex brokers jockeying for position in a Level 2 style environment. The problem is, there is no incentive for the brokers to give up their own little fiefdoms. While the ECN model has been tried, it has never really succeeded – at least not yet. It won't work unless most or all of the big Forex names decide to participate, so while I would love to see it happen, I'm not holding my breath.

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